Synergent Blog

Focused on the Future!

Sep 17, 2013 | Blog

Symitar Conference Highlights Strength of Synergent Partnership and What’s Ahead for CUs

Last week, a group of Synergent staff members had the opportunity to attend the 2013 Symitar Educational Conference and Technology Expo in San Diego, CA. Here, Ben Jordan, Assistant Vice President for Synergent Technology Services, and Nick Chasse, Director of Sales Support for Synergent, share their key takeaways from the event, as Synergent continues to put it’s future-focused service philosophy into action.

1. What presentation was a standout for you?

Ben Jordan:

Symitar Management Q & A was a standout for me.  At this session we received the President’s update regarding what is important to Symitar:

  • Service – Continued devotion to retaining credit unions with high service levels.
  • Products – Their focus on important product enhancements
  • Industry Leadership – Continued sales success as the far-and-away leader of core software sales in the credit union world. 

Nick Chasse:

The session on Creative Solutions features some of the unique and truly creative way credit unions are using the Episys core to meet their needs and improve efficiencies.  One of my favorites was called Member Quest View, where a credit union developed a way to hand a member an iPad to update their account information, and then sync back to the Episys core. 

2. If you can name three things that you keep hearing about … for the future of CUs, what are they?

Ben Jordan:

  • Integration – Service delivery requires many technologies working together for the vendor.  Much of my discussion with others was focused on this topic.
  • Direct Member Service Delivery from Technology – Many credit unions came to the conference focused on technologies that help deliver member service directly to the member. Mobile is by far the technology that many wanted to talk about.  Members hold this technology in their hand every single day – it is such a big opportunity and the future of member service delivery!  P2P Payments also continues to be an important technology topic.
  • Consistency – Managing remote and in branch service delivery in a way that is consistent.  Whether investments in technology, special training or business process, credit unions were talking about how to deliver great member service consistently.

3. What was your “wow moment” at SEC?

Ben Jordan:

Strength of Community – As I was walking around the TechExpo with over 100 vendors, and over 750 attendees, the conversation of credit union employees was focused on sharing good ideas.  The excitement of talking with someone who knows the exact opportunities and challenges you face is an inspiring experience.  You got that feeling from everyone we spoke with.

Nick Chasse:

Seeing Episys on the tablet was the clear wow factor for me at the conference.  Though in its infancy from a development standpoint, this is clearly technology that will change the way credit unions conduct business with their members. Instead of members going to the credit union to service their needs, this will enable the credit unions to go to their members.