Synergent Blog

International Credit Union Day: A Thank You Message from Todd Mason

Oct 15, 2020 | Blog, Partners

Todd Mason

Dear Valued Credit Union Partner:

I want to begin this International Credit Union Day message with a simple sentiment: thank you! Over the past seven months, credit unions have been working overtime to ensure their members have continued access to safe, secure, and reliable banking services. In the most trying of circumstances—during a global pandemic—your support and commitment to your members and your communities has been unwavering. Saying thank you doesn’t seem like it is enough to express how grateful I am to be part of a movement that is so deeply committed to improving the financial lives of its members no matter what.

Last year, I don’t think any of us could have predicted how 2020 would change our industry and our daily lives. The way credit unions operate now is different than it was a year ago, but our connection with members has remained unchanged. Our ability to pivot and adapt during the pandemic is no doubt in part due to our embodiment of the People Helping People philosophy. To help our members weather COVID-19’s economic storm, we have proven that we can remain physically distant but socially connected. By reaching out and making available critical resources like the Paycheck Protection Program, loan deferments, financial guidance, and much more, credit unions are helping members navigate the financial uncertainties that COVID-19 has caused for many.

No one knows when the pandemic will be behind us. I’m optimistic that things will look differently next year at this time. Regardless of what the future holds, I know one thing is certain. Credit unions will remain a beacon of hope and a trusted resource for their members and communities.

Thanks again for all that you have done, especially since March, and all the good you will continue to do in the weeks and months ahead. Your work is celebrated and appreciated on International Credit Union Day and every day.


Todd Mason