Are your credit union members using Shared Branching? Do they know how convenient and easy it is to use, whether they are just across town or having a winter break adventure across the country?
With Shared Branching, members are able to make deposits, withdrawals, transfers, or loan payments at any participating credit union like it is their own. Shared Branching has a place in today’s digital age. 44% still prefer to use a traditional branch, and Millennials report using a branch 4.5 times more than any other generation!
1,847 credit unions, or 5,600 locations, are part of Co-Op’s Shared Branching network. All credit unions have the option of being part of this, the third largest branch network of any financial institution in the nation after Wells Fargo and Chase. Uniquely cooperative, branches in all 50 states, five countries, and two U.S. territories serve 56 million members representing $688 million in assets!
So why wouldn’t a credit union want to be part of this? Whether it is learning more about Shared Branching or wanting to coordinate an awareness campaign to educate your members about this benefit of credit union membership, contact our Payment Services or Direct Marketing Services team today!