The days are getting longer, we’re digging out the patio furniture, and we look forward to April showers turning to May flowers. Summer is known for fun in the sun, barbecues, family road trips, and switching from the heating to the cooling season.
Depending on what credit union members have planned for the summer, this may be the best time of the year for them to take advantage of their credit union’s Skip-A-Payment program. Whether they want to take a vacation, install a new air conditioning unit, or want to make some home improvements, Skip-A-Payment can help!
How it Works
Synergent Direct Marketing Services has years of experience and has worked with over 30 different credit unions on data, print, mail, and email campaigns to promote Skip-A-Pay. As a one-stop shop, Direct Marketing Services can provide template designs, customized letters or postcards, and has worked with credit unions on establishing Skip-A-Pay processes that fit their needs.
“Credit unions who have implemented Skip-A-Pay campaigns have shared that members love it and appreciate the financial flexibility that the program provides,” shared Shannan Heacock, Senior Marketing Service Representative for Synergent Direct Marketing Services.
Data and Tech: Enhanced Skip-A-Pay
Beyond the design and strategy, Direct Marketing Services also can provide clear reporting and analysis of the data that is produced, creating actionable information that can be leveraged by credit unions. In addition to the services provided by Direct Marketing Services, Synergent’s Professional Services Division can implement a PowerOn for Enhanced Skip-A-Pay. With the internal tracking for Skip-A-Pay connected directly to the Episys® Core Processor, credit unions have the ability to:
- Process Skip-A-Pay requests more efficiently through automation
- Control the skip payment criteria based on loan type, the length of the loan, or payment history
- Maintain Skip-A-Pay loan records automatically
“The beauty of the Enhanced Skip-A-Pay PowerOn is it takes something cumbersome and makes it simple,” said Nick Chasse, Synergent Vice President of Business Development.
Learn More
Spring into action by starting to plan your summer Skip-A-Pay campaigns today. Contact Direct Marketing Services today to get your campaign started!