3D Secure is a trusted protocol that connects digital merchants and financial institutions at the time of online checkout. Digital transactions have become commonplace. With most cardholders completing transactions online, implementing strong, effective tools to...
Debit Cards
Contactless Plastics: Is Now the Time?
Apr 13, 2023 | Blog, Contactless Cards, Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Payments
The number of payment options available to consumers continues to increase, and consumers continue to choose credit and debit cards as their preferred methods of payment. This is good news for credit unions: Not only do cards strengthen the overall member...
Card & Chip Shortages: What You Need to Know
Apr 4, 2023 | Blog, Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Payments
As you may have heard in the news or experienced firsthand, there is currently a chip shortage that is significantly extending the time it takes for members to receive a new credit or debit card. What used to take days now can take weeks or months. Fortunately,...
What You Need to Know: Reg II Changes
Jan 23, 2023 | Blog, Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Interchange, Payments, Security
Regulation II impacts every financial institution in the United States. While it was enacted to prevent debit transaction interchange fees from being unreasonable, it has had a significant impact on those who rely on interchange income as part of their revenue. On...