Case Study

Dirigo FCU Share Certificate Campaign

The credit union’s three-month campaign yielded a 22% increase in certificate deposits opened year-over-year and a 1,147% increase over the same period two years prior! Dirigo Federal Credit Union wanted to offer a high-yield certificate special to targeted prospects...

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Casco Federal Credit Union Mobile Wallet Campaign

Targeted campaign exceeded the goal of a 5% year-over-year increase in debit card transactions. Casco Federal Credit Union, headquartered in Gorham, Maine, launched a multi-target campaign in December to increase debit card usage and mobile wallet adoption to,...

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Bayer Heritage FCU Certificate

With the holiday season approaching, Bayer Heritage Federal Credit Union wanted to offer a high-yield certificate special to promote goodwill in the community, increase member satisfaction, and advertise broadly to gain additional members. Bayer Heritage Federal...

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Bayer Heritage FCU Reboarding Campaign

Award-winning campaign brings in over $3 million in new auto loans. Bayer Heritage FCU wanted to increase their auto lending portfolio and the number of checking accounts at their institution. They also wanted to remind their dedicated members about their auto loan...

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Meridia Community CU Auto & Personal Loan Campaign

Data-driven loan bundle campaign yielded a 134% increase in new balances opened year-over-year! Meridia Community CU, headquartered in Hamburg, New York, wanted to encourage their members to transfer an existing auto or personal loan, or open a new loan with the...

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Oxford FCU ACH Auto and RV Loan Refi Campaign

Over $10M in auto and recreational vehicle loans opened during the campaign! Oxford FCU was certain they could help members lower their auto and recreational vehicle loan rates or get them into a new, low-interest loan. They were so sure that they made targeted...

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Casco FCU Fuel & Equipment Loan Campaign

Unique fuel and equipment loan campaign filled members’ needs for everything from tools to home heating. The credit union experienced a 52% increase in this type of loan year-over-year! Casco FCU knew there was a lending niche that needed to be filled. Serving a small...

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Franklin-Somerset FCU Auto Loan Campaign

Connecting with the right members yielded over $5 million in new auto loans, a 96% increase year-over-year! Franklin-Somerset FCU, headquartered in Madison, ME, wanted their members to “save big.” They partnered with Synergent’s award-winning Marketing Services team...

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Gardiner FCU Digital Banking Case Study

Nothing is so constant as change. But even when carefully planned and orchestrated, change is hard. It requires collaboration across many departments, implementation, and clear communication with staff and members alike. Add in an unplanned but necessary change and...

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Bayer Heritage Online Loan Case Study

Online product and service offerings are increasingly more popular nowadays, as they ensure quick and easy access at any user’s fingertips. In a MAC Award-winning effort to encourage members to take advantage of their online loan application, Bayer Heritage FCU...

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Northern ACH Auto Case Study

Northern Credit Union, headquartered in Watertown, NY, does not operate an indirect lending program, and noticed they were losing out on auto loans signed at dealerships and with other financial institutions. They wanted to show the value of maintaining a credit union...

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